Home Igbo Lifestyle STYLE: Igbo Ladies and Ankara Fabrics

STYLE: Igbo Ladies and Ankara Fabrics

STYLE: Igbo Ladies and Ankara Fabrics


Igbo queens rock Ankara in diverse ways, and to whatever occasion they want. All that has mattered to them, and still matters to them is what they do with their Ankara fabric.

Ankara fabrics come in a variety of colours and styles.


Thankfully, Igbo ladies, are not stuck with typical two piece wrapper and blouse styles, as various Igbo designers now have their own “Western world meets Igbo tradition” designs from which to choose. Thereby, making Igbo cultural dressing modern and contemporary.


There are a thousand thing Igbo women can do with Ankara. Evening gowns are made from Ankara these days. They can copy the latest fashion trends… and more.  Even international Igbo celebrities have turned our beloved Ankara into a fashion DO


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